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Tuesday, January 25, 2011


A  new awakening.
The  darkness….
it can no longer envelope me.

I have shed the unwanted skin.
I peak through the haze....
the anger is gone....
the blackness is gone.

It is only warmth I feel.
It closes around me and suspends me.....
my feet are at least six inches off the ground.....
my head is light.

I have heard his voice.
It is smooth and silky...
like  the smoothest chocolate....
it is addictive.

I have to hear it constantly.
I have to have my drink......
I am thirsty......
He feeds me......
He says he Loves Me.

Is this too fast?
What am I doing?
I am scared.
Why am I questioning this?
Over analyzing…
Let it flow...

Do I wish to go back into the darkness?
I scream...
I shake....
I feel the burning all over my being.
He has pulled me out of the darkness....
but he doesn't know it.

unwrapped from the Darkness.

I have found my love.....
He has found me....

We are here.
For as long as we have breath.


  1. This is beautiful .... I really was touched reading this and I think you ought to consider poetry ... seems like you have a hidden talent! Keep it up!

  2. Nice, breathtaking,this is great work you are truly blessed, keep up the good work, This is really an inspiration to me, I was in the dark too long need to see the light, thanks cher,,Love it, need to put my darkness in writing as well,,,,,lol

  3. I just enjoy reading your postings Cher! They are so inspiring and makes me look at life in a whole different way! No matter how dark things may seem, there is always hope. Thanks for the inspiration Cher!

  4. Thank you my friends....your interest keeps me going....thank you for your comments and I will do my utmost to keep you all inspired....Keep your heads held high.....CHER

  5. You need to get a publisher. Keep letting your light shine


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